Marketing, Activations and Promotions


Marketing, Activations and Promotions

Those days are long gone when brands or organizations could depend on advertising to communicate their brand’s essence to the world. Now, the era of experiential marketing has arrived and brand activation events are in high demand. These events provide a golden opportunity for the clients and a brand to connect with each other. These events are live, very hands-on and memorable for all involved.

The team of BrainWaves Creations knows this, and this is why we help clients to get over challenges associated with developing, positioning and enhancing brand equity. We collaborate endlessly with our customers and understand their perspective to design end to end brand activation, marketing and promotion solutions such as building corporate image, creating brand promotions and organizing product launches, exhibitions and road shows among others.

As a part of our marketing, activations and promotions, we will identify your target audience, handle concept development, take care of venue selection & management, look after styling and themes, decide the interiors, manage staff on the site, design the stage, handle PR & publicity and choose giveaways and gifting solutions. We can also handle registrations, collect feedback, analyze it and provide data on response management to judge the success of every event.

In case you had organized activation events in the past, and you haven’t received the response you expected, we will analyze what went wrong and ensure that the same mistakes don’t happen again. For instance, if the venue of the event was not so popular or easily reachable, we’ll make sure that the venue this time is easier to access to ensure that every member of audience and publicity people reach there on time.

We have ensured that thousands of activation events are a success and yours can be the next. Call us to know how.